Sunday, July 31, 2005

Tie Dye Extravaganza!!!

Lately my crafting passion has taken the form of Tie Dyed clothing. I've been mixing up dye's, sewing patterns into clothes and laying awake at night thinking about different things I could try. Some have turned out awesome and others not so awesome. In fact some turned out darn ugly!! However, there's some photos of some of my succeses..... HERE!
I have a bunch of ideas of new things to try and am looking forward to returning home to my stash of dye's. (My hubby wouldn't let me travel with them!!!) Somehow he got the idea that driving around with a trunk full of powerful fabric dye's was asking for trouble..... maybe he's right. Ironically enough my sister showed great enthusiasm for tie dye and was dissapointed I didn't lug all that stuff with me! If I had only known.
I would love to get some feedback regarding which colors and styles you like best. I have daydreams of opening an online business doing Tie dyed clothing, diaper covers.... etc. I don't expect that to happen any time soon, but in the meantime I am willing to sell some of my extra items. Mielle certainly doesn't need a dozen tie dyed onesies!!! Even though I LOVE THEM!
If you are interested in purchasing any of these, I am willing to let them go for $10 a piece plus shipping costs. It would make my husband Really, Really, Really happy if I actually had a craft that simply paid for itself! My crafting addiction can be hazardous to the checking account!

So, if interested just e-mail me at we'll work out the details!

P.S. Thanks in advance for giving me some feedback on which ones you like best! I'm really curious to know what you guys like!

Friday, July 29, 2005

I miss my Papa!!!!

I love you forever, I like you for always...
as long as I'm living my PaPa you'll be.

Warm and snuggly Nonny love

Miss Mielle and her snuggly Nonny

Damply warm from the tub, wearing a soft and snuggly oversized t-shirt she smells slightly of peppermint and shampoo. She enfolds you in her arms, the skin soft and moist, yet warm to the touch. Her soft breasts are gentle and pillowy, no sharp bones to bump into here! Her lips pucker up and shower you with adoration, they pitter pat against your cheeks, your forehead and your nose. Her laughter burbles forth deep and rich filled with overtones of affection and sympathy.
A smile lights up your face and you arch against her, leaning back to look up into her twinkling eyes. A giggle escapes your tender little lips and you reach out a hand to touch her face, exploring the wrinkles and creases so filled with love and laughter. The joys and the tears of a lifetime written across her features. With delight she gazes down into your open face, so smooth and fresh and bright and new, waiting to be filled with life's experiences of love and of tears.

I chuckle to myself as these thoughts flash through my mind, remembering the comfort of her arms, knowing and recognizing the love she gives you as familiar and richly flavored. Both of you turn to me at the sound of my voice and the glory of your smiles fill my mind.
How dazzling, the flavor of family.

Who us?

Thursday, July 28, 2005

A blessing Bead

On my wrist it sits, secured by a bright red strand of common yarn.... a bead, a blessing bead. A blessing bead you wonder.....
It is quite simply a bead, but this bead represents my unborn nephew, whom is currently snuggled deep within my younger sister's womb. He stretches out to stroke the sides of his home a warm and safe home filled with the thrumming beat of his mama's heart. The strength of her womb contracts around him and he pushes back arching against the constriction.
Her body is gearing up, preparing to perform the greatest task it has ever undertaken before, an amazing task filled with joy. The muscles deep within her are preparing to bring him forth into the world where we can all see him, and hug him, and kiss him. The journey may be long but I know that they will make it together, mother and child.

That's what my bead is for, remembering and acknowledging their eminent journey, together.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

A quiet moment..

The two girls are sleeping and Gabe is watching TV..... ahhhhhhh. the quiet. It has been a busy morning here with Mary meeting with a realtor, me running interference with all 4 kids at once (yikes!)
Holding both babies at the same time gives me a new level of wonder and amazement at mamas with twins. The 2 little girls are about 5 months apart in age and are enthralled with one another. They happily grin and coo and wave at one another... FROM A DISTANCE. However, get them both on the floor and the eye poking, face slapping and cries of frustration erupt. Mielle does all the slapping and poking, poor little Peevers squints at her and cranes about trying to avoid the flailing arms of her older cousin. Mielle doesn't mean to HURT her, she just gets so excited to have her within arm's reach that her enthusiasm backfires on us. Given time and many repeated warnings to "be gentle" she has managed to get her hands on her cousin and kiss her quite sweetly. Peevers does not seem to appreciate the difference between a wet open mouthed kiss/squash to the forehead and a wildly waving set of arms. What a patient baby that Peevers is. I am just happy to see them playing together while they still can, as it will become increasing rare for the girls to see one another as the Flannery clan moves away from us.

I find myself enjoying this visit together with a bittersweet taste in my mouth. Knowing my sister will be moving much farther away is hard for me. It is only in the last few years as I have married, gotten pregnant and now had a child that we have really connected as women, and as sisters. Having gone to different households after our parents divorvce and being seperated in age by over 4 years has contributed to our relative lack of closeness before this. I have come to deeply value having her for a mentor and a friend. My concern for myself and my daughter is that once they move away we will see each other so rarely that we will become the kind of "aunts and cousins" that see each other yearly around christmas and then less and less often as the kids grow older and we all become more and more absorbed in our own worlds....

I guess that's normal and natural, I just find myself thinking these things as I watch Quin playing on the steps in the sunshine, such a determined little 2 year old..... absorbed in the doings of a small wiggling caterpiller which she repeatedly picked up squealing to see it curl into a tight ball. Holding it gently in her hand and shouting "OPEN, OPEN UP!" The delight she took it watching it tentatively unroll and begin to crawl about in her grubby little palm was for me laced with a quiver of sadness, thinking of time passing and finding myself confronted by a tall slender girl bearing a resemblance to this small little grublet, but changed irrevocably into a new creature, one with whom I am not intimately connected.

I guess I have become more aware of this phenomenon as I have seen it happen with my own child. She seems to change hourly and those who are not nearby are missing it. I see it in her reactions to extended family members that she has not seen recently. The shy routine, ducking her head down, against my breast when confronted with well meaning, loving family members who reach for her and then quickly return her to my arms as tears fill her eyes and that bottom lip sticks out in all it's quivering glory. As a parent I feel sympathy for her, she doesn't feel comfortable with people she doesn't know well. As a sister, daughter and friend I feel sympathy for the well meaning and loving adult who is being rebuffed in this appalling manner. I see the rejection in their eyes and wish I had some magic answer to give them, but the solution is simple. Spend more time with her. Spend quality time with her. See her often enough that she doesn't "forget "you. Sounds simple, right?
Wrong. We are all of us, very busy people. It is hard to make time for all the people in our lives that we want to be in close regular contact with. Especially while raising children, having careers, teaching others, keeping house and staying sane. I guess that's what worries me about having my sister and her family moving farther is crazy.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Recycled Romper

Recycled Romper
Originally uploaded by esserboo.
A recent project of mine has been tie dyeing children's clothes. I dyed this one using an old stained romper which had seen a lot of use. I'm amazed at how well it bleached out and dyed up! I love knowing that this piece of clothes has a whole new life ahead of it. I used fushia and ultra violet, the back is very similar to the front. I look forward to seeing my niece wearing it, as my daughter is too darn big already!

A face to go with a name....

Here's a few photos of me and my daughter Mielle. Now that she's nearly a year old I find myself amazed at how big and independent she's becoming. In preping these pictures to share online, I spent some time looking over pictures from when she was about 2 weeks old. I can't believe how different and yet how much the same she is!!! Check out the 2 photos of her howling her head off!!!

A few fun Photos

Monday, July 25, 2005

Blame it all on Mary!!!

It's catching......blogitis in the air and I'm hooked. Laying awake at night thinking of things to write about, sneaking away from my small child to create links.... how addicting!
Can't promise to be highly entertaining or witty, or anything else, but it may be fun. I hope you enjoy what I have to say. Which at the moment, isn't much.
