Friday, August 26, 2005

Red Hot Mama!

Check us out!

Yes, my hair is really and truly that ultra violently red shade!
I felt it was time again...
every so often I need to remind myself that
I'm not someone's boring old mother.

I'm Anna Banana!

Being a mama doesn't mean
I can't continue to shock and alarm prim and proper old ladies
and tobacco chewing, baseball hat wearing, small town hicks!

Being a mama doesn't mean
I can't go shopping simply for some clothes
that matches my newest hair color.

Being a mama doesn't mean
losing yourself in the daily tasks of diaper changes, snuggles, episodes of Dora repeated incessantly, cooking food, cleaning up after food, doing laundry, sweeping floors, scrubbing toilets, picking up a MILLION toys a day, and nursing day and night!

Being a mama means being yourself,
the person you were before,
but more intensely, more brilliantly,
more colorfully and more vibrantly alive.


At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and was drawn to this post since I just dyed my hair "Sonic Green" this summer. I loved what you wrote and your hair is gorgeous. I know that motherhood is the most important thing in my life right now, but I don't always want to feel so "Mom-ish!"

At 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Anna -

I hung out in the September MDC group a bit last summer, and re-entering the forums, I saw your post with the blog link.

First, as I'm well aware, Mielle is just adorable -- she's seriously cute!

Second, thanks for putting words to just how I've felt about the transition into motherhood. I've tried to explain it to childless friends that I'm the same person, but a much, MUCH better version! Vibrant is the perfect descriptor!

My pregnancy was a huge surprise to me, and now I realize that I had no idea what I'd have missed if I didn't become Maya's mom.

Happy blogging!


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