Sunday, August 28, 2005

Dress up time

Playing dress up is AWESOME!
Just ask Gabe and Quin, they'll tell you all about yesterday's fun activities....

Gabe dressed up a BATMAN!
(Batman ready for shop class perhaps...)

Quin dressed up in a lovely purple dress
with pink high heels and got to wear
Aunt Anna's cool new hat!

Aunt Anna wore a gorgeous pink scarf
and was crowned "Dress-up Queen" for a day

Mielle wore a rag tag assortment of clothes
mostly picked out by her cousins
including a bright orange cape,
a pink peace sign necklace
and a white filmy skirt... on her head.
Which kept falling over her eyes like a bridal veil.

After much giggling, flinging about of clothes
and eager requests to help with tying on capes and such
we were all set for pictures.


At 9:58 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Wow... I go away for a long-weekend and look at all the excitement I miss out on! Looks like you've been having yourselves a mighty fine time! Ah, dress-up. Who says it has to be Halloween to put on costumes? P.S. Love the hair. And you're no where even close being a boring "old" mother... dream on ;)


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